Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Can We Have What We Want?

Do you have the right to create the life you dream of? At first this seems an easy Yes. And I find that many people struggle with how specific they should be in the creative process. There are wonderful teachers that insist we should not be specific in our use of the principles that create reality. When I was sick this was languaged as, “We don’t always get what we want; but we do get what we need." "The healing you are looking for may not include the healing of your body." "God may have a bigger plan for you than you just getting what you want." "You need to accept the things you cannot change.”

Within these kinds of statements there is still the possibility of having your dreams. However, we are no longer the choosers. We are no longer in control of the creative process. Whether we get what we want is up to some sort of Higher power.

I think the tools of choice are fairly simple. The real question is: Do we have the right to use them to get what we want? When I finally realized that what I was choosing to think and do created what I was having and experiencing, I ran head on into how specific should I be in my choices?

One of the huge stumbling blocks for me in the area of choice had always been that there was a list of the proper choices. And too many times those correct choices did not relate directly to my heart’s desire. So, the motivation to accomplish those right choices wasn’t there for me because I really wasn’t going after what I wanted. It was difficult to follow through with what I needed to do because my heart wasn’t in it.

But as I continued to study and apply what I was studying I found this difficulty boiled down to different opinions and different teachings. When I read and studied specific teaching models, I tended to believe the material I was paying attention to. As I shifted my focus to differing opinions and material that supported my new focus, I found I could also shift my belief. The principles I was studying were essentially the same. The difference was how I could use these principles.

Ultimately the corner stone in my search to take control of my life was a quote on Commitment I received from a friend. It said:

“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.”
“All sorts of things occur to help one that would not otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues form the decision raising in ones favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one would have dreamed would come their way.”

What I like about this statement is, it doesn’t say: When you do it “my way” then magic happens. It just addresses my commitment and states when I commit I will be supported. Period! The universe only says YES to our beliefs. There was no list of this is the only way. And in that sense of unconditional support, I felt a freedom that allowed me to hold on to my dreams even though I was running into disappointment and failure.

In my January 2007 email newsletter, I told the story of my friend Richard who grew his leg almost three inches in four days. We have all heard stories of miraculous demonstrations of power and healing. But how much power and authority do you have? Before you embark on the road to making your dreams come true you need to answer that for yourself.

As far as I’m concerned, for choice to be an inspiring process where we can get excited about the outcome, we need to have the freedom to choose what we want. Certainly we all have cherished beliefs that essentially create the reality we experience. The question to ask is: do my current beliefs and actions support me in having the kind of life I want?

Once you decide that you have the right and the authority to make your dreams come true you can get on with mastering the tools of choice. And through your conscious application of these tools you will realize you can create beliefs that support you in having what you want. When that happens, life stops being a problem to be dealt with and becomes an adventure you are creating. You really can move into your life from a space of “Oh goodie, another day!”

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